

Takki is derived from the Arabic word to hang out; it is also the name of the new drama series created by accomplished filmmaker Mohammed Makki. The series revolves around the lives of young adults in the kingdom, their struggles, dreams, and day to day lives are all explored and put together to produce this growing in fame series. Takki has all the ingredients of a true drama, parents, gangsters, friendships, good and bad times, and social issues portrayed by the fun and fresh cast.

The team consists of young director Mohammed Makki, and production manager Abdullah Hamid, and the actors: Adel Radwan, Khayrya Abu Laban, Abubann Thaqafi, Radwan al-Rimi, Ali Salem, Hind Mohammed and Ali al-Sharif. The series revolves around the story of a young director that dreams of becoming a filmmaker in a country that does not have a film industry, and talks about the mistakes of a group of young people, and how to deal with life’s situations and what they learn from them.

The series definitely has me hooked, as I watched the episodes and as the story unfolded, I became very immersed and got so into it, that when the episode ended I felt that to be continued feeling, and have been anticipating the release ever since. I think the things that have us hooked is that Takki is nothing like a show you’ll find on TV, and the cast, the scenery, and stories are all something we can really relate to.

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