

It used to be that living in Saudi, meant feeling isolated and protected from the rest of the world; almost like being in a bubble. Alienating, disturbing and incredibly frustrating, people had limited access to everything: news, fashion, music, books and even magazines, movies and toys…absolutely everything! Well, things have changed! Thank God for technology […]


The increased interest in this legendary form of street art, many of today’s Saudi youth have adopted the art of spray paint on walls, creating large scale murals of self-expression. The increased interest in this legendary form of street art, many of today’s Saudi youth have adopted the art of spray paint on walls, creating […]

Abdullnasser Gharem

The Khamis Mushait-born and Saudi Arabian Military Major created some of the most controversial, thought-provoking and emotional conceptual art from Saudi Arabia. Gaining recognition as part of Edge of Arabia, Abdulnasser Gharem’s “The Path” was bought by the British Museum in London and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in California. He is currently […]

Hateem Alakeel

“Men today are aware of fashion,” Hateem Alakeel charmingly asserts, but Toby is more than just wearable fashion thobes, the brand caters to those with an individual sense of flair and panache and is creating a movement of loyal Tobyista Fashionista’s too. The designer behind Toby thobes, Hateem Alakeel has been dubbed the Middle Eastern […]


Painting is like therapy to me. Whenever I feel like expressing my feelings and thoughts and whenever I have anything to say, good or bad, I paint,” said the 22 year old Huda Noor Baydoun. Huda is studying special education at Dar AlHekma College in Jeddah. With a desire to direct painters and other people […]

Movie: I Identity of the Soul.

If you love poetry and have a few minutes to spare and feel like watching a high quality production, we recommend you watch Identity of the Soul. This film is based on Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen’s poem, Terje Vigen and Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish’s, A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies. It combines poetry from the […]

A 181 Degree Purview

He might be young, but his crisp and organic commercial and artistic photography will project you 181 degrees. Saeed Salem’s portfolio speaks for itself. Gaining experience among the best in the field – he used to work with Abubakir Balfaqih at B&A, where he helped start The Passionates, and then went on to work as […]

Charles & Ray Eames, Lounge Chair & Ottoman 1956

Created in 1956, this chair is now a classic in the history of modern furniture, and is considered one of the best designed and engineered chairs. The Eames Lounge Chair, considered one of the most significant designs of the 20th century, has been in continuous production since its introduction in 1956.This chair is the product […]


From computer science, to award winning art director, we speak to Jordanian born ad man, Mohanad Shuraideh. Just by looking at his work we can conjure up that this talented young man is infused with colour, passion, creativity and optimism. Let’s take a closer look into what makes Mohanad such an extraordinary art director. Where […]